Agent of Peace

 “I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love and abundance.  Then whenever doubt, anxiety or fear try to call me, they keep getting a busy signal and soon they’ll forget my number” Edith Armstrong.

 Peace, tough to have and maintain but regardless of how hard it may be, I’ve decided that I am going to be in peace and become an agent of peace.  Any time a situation arises that wants to take me down a path that will disturb my peace I simply say out loud, “I’m not going there”.  My niece asked me how I could maintain my peace in the midst of storms and I had to confess that my faith is critical in this process along with determination and self control. If I can’t change or control a situation, why let it get to me; best I let it go and move on and have faith that God will work things out on my behalf, after all if it’s not God sent, it will be God used.  Just yesterday my son was asking me why I was always trying to be a peace-maker.  I told him I had spent too much of my life in turmoil, upset, angry and getting aggravated over the little things (things I had no control over) and I had finally realized it wasn’t worth it. 

 Ever since I set my mind to walking and living in peace I can say that I am much happier.  I want to live in a peaceful and harmonious environment and I’ll do my part to keep it that way.  Don’t be fooled, this is not easy, especially when you have to humble yourself and ask for forgiveness (even when you weren’t at fault) or make that first step towards reconciliation; but once again your determination to stay in peace is what will get you through that moment and the reward is superb, or as my son would say, “sweet”.  Of course, the minute you decide to make this of the utmost importance, you know you will be provoked, but after a while it does get easier till it becomes a part of your lifestyle.  When you realize the benefits of walking in peace and harmony instead of chaos, fear, anxiety or distress you will put your best effort towards achieving your goal of walking in peace.

 Having peace within yourself, your home & your work place will allow you to be a better you and those around you will reap the benefits as well.  When you feel that your peace is being disturbed simply say like I do “I AM NOT GOING THERE” and make a choice to let it go before it gets you.  Will you join me in becoming an agent of peace? 

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